Friday, May 15, 2020

How Is Appuyer (to Lean On) Conjugated in French

The French verb for to lean on or to support is appuyer. In order to use appuyer in the  present, future, or past tense, it must be  conjugated. French students will find this one to be a little tricky because it is a stem-changing verb. Note that  pencher  is the French verb that means to lean as in to bend down or over. This follows the regular -er  verb conjugation pattern. Conjugating the French Verb  Appuyer In order to use  appuyer  in the way you would say leaned or leaning, we need to change its ending.  Appuyer  is a  stem-changing verb  because it has a Y before the -er. You will notice in the conjugations that in front an E the Y becomes an I. Beyond that stem change, the conjugation of  appuyer  is very similar to other -er  verbs. To conjugate it using the chart, simply pair the  subject pronoun with the appropriate tense. For instance, I support is jappuie. and we will lean on is nous appuierons. Subject Present Future Imperfect j appuie appuierai appuyais tu appuies appuieras appuyais il appuie appuiera appuyait nous appuyons appuierons appuyions vous appuyez appuierez appuyiez ils appuient appuieront appuyaient The Versatile Present Participle of  Appuyer Appuyer  uses the present participle  appuyant.  This can be used as a verb, but can also take the form of an adjective, gerund, or noun in the right context. Using  Appuyer  in the Past Tense The imperfect past tense is useful to know, but a more common form of the past tense in French is  passà © composà ©. For this conjugation, you will use the  past participle  appuyà ©Ã‚  and conjugate the  auxiliary verb  avoir. For instance, I supported is jai appuyà ©. Theres no need to change the past participle with a subject change, just the conjugation of  avoir. Therefore, we leaned on is nous avons appuyà ©. More Conjugations for  Appuyer As you speak more French, you might find the subjunctive and conditional forms of  appuyer  useful. These have a certain level of ambiguity implied within them. The passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive have a rare use. They are primarily reserved for formal writing. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j appuie appuierais appuyai appuyasse tu appuies appuierais appuyas appuyasses il appuie appuierait appuya appuyt nous appuyions appuierions appuymes appuyassions vous appuyiez appuieriez appuytes appuyassiez ils appuient appuieraient appuyrent appuyassent The imperative form of  appuyer  is good to know as well. Its used to form short, often assertive sentences that command or request an action. When using the imperative, skip the subject pronoun and use, for instance,  appuie  alone. Imperative (tu) appuie (nous) appuyons (vous) appuyez

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